In 2024
Summer Immersive Participants
Certificates Awarded
Undergraduate Interns
High School Interns
Student Ventures Launched
Stipends for Creative Entrepreneurs
in Scholarships
Teens Tackle

Future Founders Bootcamp
Looking for Summer Opportunities? Come spend a week (or two - or three) with us.
Take a look at our Summer 2024 News
Sign up now to learn more about Summer 2025
Creative Entreprenuership
Are you an artist? Musician? Writer? Photographer? We've got you!
Check out our Shiboka MagaZine
Inquire HERE to join the 4th edition of Shiboka - Coming Soon!

Youth Advisory Council
Become a leader in our organization.
Paid internships are available.
“I want people to know that not only does the impact affect Durham, it affects who you are as a person.”
- CJ Williams, YAC Co-Director

Entrepreneur Spotlight​
​"I believed that there were only traditional routes to go through, whether that was being a doctor, being a lawyer, or being an engineer, but echo allowed me to see that there was more, and that I could even create my own path in life. Echo opened doors for me if I wanted to walk through them.
As teens, we believe that we have no power in our hands, because we're at such a vulnerable age where we don't really have a lot of resources. But I think echo taught me that even the small differences, like the Teens Tackle Hunger campaign, we do have the power to affect change step by step."
- Michelle Ramirez, echo alum, Harvard freshman